
Anina – “core” Anina Mountains

“The geographical location of the city Anina and complexity of relief combined with ways of getting various amidst a treasure magnificent sights absolutely delightful – obliges us and causes us to travel and know everything around us, to promote and maintain cultural, technical, historical and natural, the importance of which we are increasingly aware and whose storage and recovery are more responsible “- Aurel Dunăroaia

For local development by creating actions to promote the city and areas belonging, we propose drawing up plans to integrate the tourist circuit and beyond.

Follow positioning Anina city and surrounding area as a center of tourist interest in socio-economic development of the area. It wants harnessing existing tourism potential and its development through an effective promotion of the highlights and attractions offered by the area, as well as infrastructure development and local tourist products, including the establishment of new tourism products and developing local suppliers of services .

We want this page to be a “center” where to meet free information posted about practicing tourism in our area worth visiting objective about the whole area of Anina Mountains
Area Anina Mountains is one where you can still see this tree species rather less known but still has a very important role in air quality, which is becoming increasingly sought after by urban dwellers pollutants can be found here so easy . Since they appeared first inhabitants who founded the present town of Anina, we can talk about the therapeutic effect of pure air in this area, mainly due to the Anina Mountains forests. The air was he who led the establishment of treatment centers in Marila, Sommerfrische, Poneasca and others, and we can enjoy it and we hope that many generations of our descendants.

History, or how the town came into being today:
Colonia workers in present-day village of Steierdorf – Anina, created in 1773 as a logging orăviţeană aeration Mountain, was placed at that time in an almost impenetrable old forest and is under the administration of Austria – Hungary. Note that aeration (read Erariul) is the name for Austrian tax, used by the Imperial Chancellery in centuries 17-19 notion signifying state property.
The small mining town Oraviţa possessed at that time, in addition to copper and gold mines, forges and foundries workshop of brass, which consumes ever larger wood and charcoal. To cover these needs was necessary furthest penetration into forested areas. The workforce was deficient. Romanians from Banat area Oraviţa whose obligations robot consisted especially in cutting wood in the forest and transport them to me and BOCS and the production of charcoal in these BOCS, have managed to cope with increasingly difficult growing demands offices mining . However, they were not willing to work a very long time at a considerable distance from the place of residence. To remove this anomaly, mining foreman Franz Müller von Reichenstein superior, superior Montanist Redange administrator, accountant foreman upper metallurgical Fluck Lammer Higher Mining Office of Oravita decided colonization of forestry workers, Cărbunari and carriers in Austria.
Mining official Peter Kastel, a native of Styria, was commissioned to recruit skilled labor in his native land and Upper Austria. This has led to fulfilling the task prompt. Still in the same year were recruited and brought 34 families consisting of 70 adults (41 single and 29 married – 16 men and 13 women) and 24 children (10 boys and 14 girls) from nearby Schladming – ause – Goisern – Ischl – Gmunden, in the surroundings of lakes Grundl – Hallstatt – Wolfgang – Traun. Prospective settlers arrived in Vienna on June 6 where, two days later embarked on a ship that sailed the Danube to Pancevo. From here they went on shore at New Palanca, then Oraviţa, to the final destination. The colonists arrived and settled in the region on 24 June 1773. These early settlers and founders of the village gave the settlement the name of Steirer – Dorf (Village of the Steier), later turned into Steierdorf. Families were named Gaiswinkler, Rahner, Schmaranzer, Stocker, Moser, Lichtnauer, Denz, Schöner, Brandstätter, Hammer, Hansel, Tritscher, Rettenbacher, Schneider, Salzmann, Zanziger, Zauner, Zierler, Zimmermann and Berger, name encountered in bulk and Steierdorf today – Anina.

Settlers began their work in the valley where it is currently at the School. They cut down the trees near water, making way for the first housing actually wooden barracks that offered shelter from the weather hardships and wildlife. Today, a stone cross remembers where Deacon Roman – Catholic Franz Sommer Oraviţa first read job for settlers from Steierdorf. For this celebration, the first altar was arranged on the stump of a beech secular, previously cut by Johann Tritscher.

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